torstai 31. lokakuuta 2013


You can access the Quizlet application via this link:

  • Log in with your Google ID
  • Browse ready-made exercises or
  • Create your own exercise (instructions below and on the Instructions page)
  • If you have joined the "Improve Your English with PEOPLE" class, it is visible in the left-hand column. There you will find all the exercises done by class members and added to the class.
  • If you are not yet a member, you can click "Join or create a class", type the class name and click "Join".

Meeting on 30 October

The course met again yesterday, 30 October.  We discussed what the participants had done in the four-week period between meetings. The groups made learning plans for the next four weeks and posted them in their group blogs. Some work needed to be done on the blogs, so groups concentrated on that for a while.

There were requests to discuss the use of Skype and Google Drive for group meetings and collaboration, so we briefly looked at those.  Johanna and Reeta also presented a free online tool for vocabulary work:

  • Continue studying according to your group's plan
  • Study the use of Quizlet and try to make a vocabulary exercise. Add your exercise to the "Improve Your English with PEOPLE" class. The instructions for Quizlet are on the "Instructions" page in the course blog.

keskiviikko 30. lokakuuta 2013

Join our class in Quizlet!

I have created a class for us in Quizlet. This will make it easy to share vocabulary exercises with other class members. Try it!

You can join the class via this link:

perjantai 4. lokakuuta 2013

Third lesson

We met again on 2 October.  The lesson contained
- short reports from our study visit to Poland
- a discussion about some words and expressions in English
- a discussion about copyright regulations and adding material to your blog
- Blogger workshop: adding links to articles, structuring your blog, pages and posts, tagging
- a discussion about useful links to study English
- making a plan for the next four weeks of independent study


Just a small reminder: during the next four weeks

- study the links to exercises, news etc. in the course blog
- share some exercises/news with others in your group blog by posting a link
- try the news at
- keep working with your group according to your plan

If you have questions and/or problems, please post them in your group blog.

 Pienenä muistutuksena: seuraavien neljän viikon aikana

- tutki kurssin blogista löytyviä linkkejä harjoituksiin, uutisiin jne.
- jaa joitakin harjoituksia/uutisia muille ryhmäsi jäsenille linkittämällä ne blogiartikkeliin
- kokeile -sivuston uutisia
- jatka työskentelyä ryhmäsi kanssa suunnitelmanne mukaisesti

Jos sinulla on kysymyksiä/ongelmia, postaa ne ryhmänne blogiin.